The story of Baggu begins in 2007 when Emily Sugihara, her mother Joan Sugihara, founded the brand with a simple yet powerful idea: to design and create sustainable, reusable bags that are functional, fashionable, and environmentally friendly.
As Baggu gained traction in the market, it quickly expanded its product offerings to include pouches, backpacks, leather bags and even pop-up tents. Collaborations with artists and designers further elevated the brand's profile, showcasing Baggu's ability to blend utility with artistic flair.
One of Baggu's defining characteristics is its unwavering commitment to sustainability.
In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, Baggu leads the way with initiatives such as using recycled nylon and organic cotton in its products. The brand's dedication to reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices sets a standard for the industry and resonates with consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.
In recent years, Baggu has continued to innovate and adapt to changing consumer needs. The COVID-19 pandemic saw the launch of reusable masks, combining functionality with safety in a stylish package.